Monday, July 7, 2014


Let there be cucumbers!  This is a tiny one, actually, about an inch and a half long.

Look how tiny they start out!  And what's with the weird, pokey spikes?  So odd.

My cantaloupe turned out to be yellow squash.  Interesting.  I'll take it!

There are many more yellow squash to come!

And even more!

The baby peas are just so darned cute!

I need nitrogen, though.  The leaves are yellowing from the bottom up.  Poor things.

The tops of my lettuce are neat, which are probably 3 feet tall, lying on their sides, though.

The spread.

The sunflowers are catching up in height to the tomatoes.  Good job, guys!

And I had to buy trellises for the cukes, which is when I also discovered there are pumpkins in the yellow-squash-that-used-to-be-cantaloupe bed.  This is the ultimate surprise bed, I guess.  What fun!

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