Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mmmm, Broccoli!

Hey man, I got the brocc.

It was good, too!  I had it steamed over a yellow potato and some cheddar.  Perfection!

So, this is the spread.  Things are growing, and it's not just weeds. 

The lettuce bed has the most stuff, mostly because the 50 onions really puts it over the edge in productivity.  6 marigolds are doing well but still small, the back is lined with sunflower seedlings that are coming up like gangbusters now that the weeds are pulled, and the foreground is wildflower seedlings starting to come up.  And, obviously, there are 2 big heads of lettuce and 4 each of red and green leaf lettuce heads behind them that are still growing.  It's tasty.

Brassicas.  Broccoli in the background, cauliflower in the center, Brussels sprouts in the foreground.  There are some miscellaneous marigolds around the edges but nothing else came up, not even the onions.  Peas and green beans are behind them, barely pictured.

Peas.  They are getting so big!  And there are some newborns down around the ground there.

This is the pepper and tomato bed.  There are 2 tomatoes doing well in cages, a couple peppers about a foot tall, a few tomatoes about 8 inches tall, a few marigolds, and 4 basil plants.  They're just not growing very fast. 

This is the brassica #2 bed, with broccoli in the background, then cauliflower, then Brussels sprouts.  Again, no onions came up.

Cantaloupe are the big ones and 8 cucumbers are hiding behind them.  A few onions came up here and there in this bed but mostly it's just weeds.  Reminds me, I gotta get more mulch.

ZUCCHINIS!  And pumpkins.  And a couple marigolds.  BUT ZUCCHINIS!

Look at those flowers!  They're going to yield me some awesome zucchinis!

They're in there!  Look at them!  Just waiting for me to eat them!

Marigolds.  Yay for deterring pests.

These are the baby cantaloupes coming in.  They look kind of long and cylindrical for melons, but I'm not picky.

These are the lupine.  Yes, they're lupine.

And another shot of the peas on the other side.  So eager!

The tomatoes have flowered so I know there are tomatoes coming.  Someday.  Until then I have to eat lots of lettuce.

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