Saturday, May 10, 2014


I'm not a big fan of tedium.  And putting 120 thumb tacks in the sides of my beds, then stringing them in tic-tac-toe pattern with biodegradable twine is tedious.  This was not fun, but I have a matching schematic for my own graph paper schematics to plant the veggies in.  And I used a mallet and didn't get hurt, so that's progress.

And I found this.

After raking this bed smooth, some dogs ran through it.  These dogs.

Yeah, they're cute, and they're sweet, and they were only playing, but they're 70-pound poodles and they will trash my farm if I don't do something.  So I'm thinking I may have to surround my beds with chickenwire, because when they play, they don't even look at anything but each other and they run into things, and people, and destroy stuff.

So now, more tedium: making fences.

All I want is zucchini!!!

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